Pennsylvania and America are at a historic crossroads.
Inflation continues to soar, and you feel it every time you gas up your car, make decisions about caring for and educating your children, or even just putting dinner on the table. At the same time, communities across our Commonwealth are dealing with rampant violent crime.
We cannot afford to sit back and watch the impact of bad policy choices. We must lead the way to a better future for everyone. That is the Keystone Commitment, a promise to hear your voice and promote policies that will help you and your family during these unprecedented times.

Thriving Economy
The workplace is constantly changing, and if our policies don’t adapt to modern demands and challenges, our residents will continue to miss out on the best opportunities.
This is one of the main reasons Pennsylvania’s population continues to shrink.
We must promote policies that attract industry and investment to our Commonwealth. Our workforce is ready and capable of being a world-wide leader, but only if Harrisburg removes the shackles of government from industry and encourages employers who provide family sustaining careers with the opportunity to invest in our people.
Turning this economy around is not a partisan issue, but our caucus has the track record to prove our policies are best suited to ensuring future generations will have every reason to call Pennsylvania home.

Affordable Living
Pennsylvania finds itself on the front lines of the inflation battle.
Agriculture is still the #1 industry in our Commonwealth, responsible for employing hundreds of thousands of our friends and neighbors and producing billions of dollars in income.
So, an increase in costs at any level of the food supply chain hits especially hard in all of our communities.
Plus, with soaring housing prices and interest rates, it’s never been harder to purchase a home.
Our Keystone Commitment is to lower the cost of food and find ways to shatter the barriers to home ownership. The American dream is not on hold when times are tough. It is up to us to make sure every Pennsylvanian can find their path to prosperity.
Safe Communities
One violent crime is one too many, and there is never an excuse for any attack or abuse of our police and first responders. Sadly, in some corners of our Commonwealth, crime in all forms and attacks on police are a daily concern.
No man, woman or child in Pennsylvania should live in fear.
Our commitment to every person in our Commonwealth is to do everything in our power to eliminate crime and hold every perpetrator accountable.
That’s the America our forefathers envisioned, and we cannot afford to allow criminals to ruin our right to life, liberty, and happiness.

Child-First, Family-Focused Education
We are blessed to have wonderful public school districts all across Pennsylvania, but we should also recognize those traditional schools are not always the best option for every student.
Parents deserve to have a say in the education choices for their child, and those choices should never be limited based on a family’s income or ZIP code.
Additionally, our educational priorities should match the needs of the constantly evolving workforce.
We must remain committed to providing educational opportunities that match the family-sustaining careers we are working to attract to Pennsylvania. Our Keystone Commitment to future leaders is that we will always make them a top priority of what we are working on in Harrisburg.